Ahhh --- Ukranian! I understand. Russia is kicking your ass --- screwed with the wrong man. I don't need support of genocidal murder/Nazi to validate me. I never mentioned my history as special. I mentioned it because I understand the Palestinian liberation struggle --- it is part of the hisrories of liberation struggles. But someone descended from thieves wouldn't. After all you come from people who have gone across the globe raping and stealing everything in sight! Everybody experienced colonialism is the refuge you take to justify you history as marauding rapists and land thieves.
FYI. Coming back to a land that they claim they were on, because they were NEVER on the land --- none of them was --- neither Arab or Jews, doesn't entitle them to Slaughter the people who are there. When these people were driven out of Europe --- the reason why is becoming clearer --- they should have assimilated into the society they found there, not slaughter and take it over.
In my country we say "don't pull my tongue". I 'm going to put you in file 13, because you are tempting me to say what is in my heart and believe me it will make your hair stand on end, so I will cool it. Let me leave you with this, you miscreant: Adolph Hitler belongs in the space!