I would advise you to take a walk done the annals of history. Let me help: After the end of Ottoman control of Palestine, the mandate went to the British. Between 1919 (the Balfour Declaration) and 1948 when Zionists wrestled the land from the Arabs, Arabs, Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived side by side under British colonial rule...in peace. Again, you need to re-read your comment because you are unwittingly doing pro-Israeli propaganda a great disservice. The very fact that you mention that Israel was created in 1948 legitimizes the argument of ethnic cleansing/genocide and land theft to create this illegal Israeli state. The Jews DID NOT find a land without people and the fact that it was populated delegitimizes the claim of right to the land. The Jews should have been assimilated into the existing society. Instead, they used terrorist tactics and war to muscle control of it!
A little brawta:
The alternative history of Palestine: it is important to include that The Palestinians had two clear principles that they were loyal to and which they conveyed to the West from 1918:
1. The Right to Self-determination for Palestinians that they also deserved that right. Conveyed to the US as early as 1918.
2. Respect for their democratic will. They argued that at the end of 400 years of Ottoman rule, they had the right to determine their post-Ottoman future. They wanted a plebiscite to decide if they should be part of greater Syria, an independent Arab Palestine, or a federated Arab republic. This was relayed to every US negotiating team from 1918 to 1948. They were told that the principle of self-determination on which to build the new post-Ottoman world did not apply to them because Palestine was promised to the British to become a Jewish state. Jews are a minority they were told and the principle of self-determination cannot apply to Palestinians and also the principle of majority or democratic election. Seems to me that the land was stolen and given to the Jews! History, Sir, is an irrefutable alibi and witness!