Israel and Biting off More than It can Chew!

Life gives you many chances to do the right thing — - October 7 was Israel’s last chance! Humiliated on October 7, now they have lost the Gaza war. In 1956 it took a few days to defeat the Arabs. In 1967, it took 6 days to defeat Egypt, Syria and Jordan. With all the boast about crushing Hamas and superior military capability, after 6 months, Israel hasn’t achieved that objective. All it has done is slaughter and slaughter and slaughter, which is its objective, which has always been its solution to the Palestinian question and their fight for self-determination — - the problem of demography versus land. The policy/solution in the Israeli imaginings has always been Eliminatory — -the slaughtering/genocide of Palestinians to steal their land. And even then, it has lost — - The Palestinian Resistance remains undefeated — Palestinians stand strong and resolute!
Netanyahu is in a bind — - fighting for his political life. Hence, he wants to sacrifice thousands more lives by starting a regional war with Iran. It says something when a political leader is prepared to put his interests ahead of even his own people.
How the mighty Israel has fallen. The retaliatory strike by Iran (not attack as Israel fired first) has only served to destroy the myth of deterrent capability and invincibility that has kept the Middle East in check as the United States poured weapons of mass destruction into its geo-strategic creation. The image/perception of Israel, this mythical state that can do wrong has been shattered in bar of public opinion. And though it strives to deflect blame onto anything/anyone it can find — - Hamas, Palestinians, pro-Palestinian protesters globally — - it is its own greatest enemy. Of course, it is at its most deadly as it struggles to delay the inevitable.
October 7 was a huge missed opportunity! Israel lost before it dropped one bomb. The world had changed and moved on from the 75 years of lies, propaganda and Zionist indoctrination, but arrogance and exceptionalism prevented Israel from grasping that brutal reality. October 7 dragged it kicking and screaming to the fact that the waters around it had grown, and that the usual anti-Semitic, hate-Jews rhetoric, wasn’t going to work this time. The world had just had it with this ethno-apartheid aberration to civilization, that for over 75 years has been one of humanity’s greatest oppressors , while screaming victim at the same time. Israel can’t have it both ways. October 7 was its last chance and it missed the boat completely! We will watch as it continues to orchestrate its downfall!