Political Zionism, American Jewry, Truman and the Conspiracy that led to the ‘State' of Israel. (Part 1)
May 15, 2024, marked seventy-six years since what Jews refer to as the birth of their nation and Palestinians as Nakba — the genocide that led to the loss of statehood and the long, ongoing, walk back to freedom and reclamation of paradise lost. Yes — it didn’t begin on October 7, 2023! We are in the Second Nakba.
The actualization of the State of Israel was the culmination of an intense, whirlwind campaign launched in 1942 by the World Zionist Organization to realize a post-war ambition of survivors of the holocaust. Dubbed the Biltmore Conference, Zionists made public their stratagem of enlisting American assistance in this project — aid and abetting that is today the greatest obstacle in the way of resolution.
Although political Zionism and a Jewish homeland had always been a subject of had always floating around in the sub-conscious, Palestinians can thank German nationalists for expediting and the unveiling of this objective. Declaration, enlisting US partnership was the next step was to mobilize the American Jewry behind the scheme with the hope of forming a powerful shared identity political movement.
The realpolitik at the time, combined with a multiplicity of fortunate circumstances enabled them to rally significant sections of not only public opinion, but the United States Congress was willing to hop aboard.
The icing on the proverbial cake was the ascension of Harry Truman to Office in 1945. Gains were consolidated! In an election year, Truman was a willing candidate, pushed, bullied or scared of the political fallout from the Jewish vote if he decided not to play hardball. Presidential endorsement? — scored! Congressional sanctioning? — all sewn up. All systems were ready to go.
Still, the effectiveness of the crusade approached its twilight with the United Nations Resolution of November 1947 that sanctioned the partitioning of Palestine. Now it seemed that the world Government had given approval to aims and objectives. Richard Stevens (America Zionism and US Foreign Policy 1942 -1947) aptly summarises when he wrote that within a matter of six mere years — one election — the World Zionist Organization had manipulate/ strong-armed and worked what was a Zionist programme into what is now indelibly American Foreign Policy. (Israel: America’s problem child!) The finality? The United States, a great influencer in global politics became the great agency/facilitator, and the greatest obstacle to a resolution between the displaced Palestinian and Israel. The chief roadblock in writing a wrong.
It’s this stranglehold that Zionism has on US politics, the power to defy international laws and conventions, substantiated best practices, the sworn code to support the “State” of Israel, to turn deaf ears and blind eyes to over 74 years of Israeli Apartheid that has spelt turmoil for Palestinian liberation and radicalized the Middle East.
Radical Paradigm Shift
The Zionist doctrine had for more than forty years been central to Jewish sociopolitical thinking. It was only later that a radical paradigm shift to a political nationalist movement took over. Much of it rightly or not attributed to the so-called rejection of the Jewry by the Gentiles…the Jews will grab at any straw to justify an act. The rabid response: the only way to the preservation of identity was the creation of a political entity.
The idea itself for a Jewish homeland was first publicly articulated as far back as 1896 by Theodor Herzl’s Der Judenstaat. Of critical value is that Herzl suggested that either part of Argentina or Palestine would suffice, which debunks this insistence on Biblical bequeathment and fulfilment of prophecy, that the Zionist and their supporters love to dangle in the face of opposition. The fact of an “either-or” suggests that this Bible-quoting cliche was not a part of the initial thrust. As to why it became foundational; your guess is as good as mine. My mind is abuzz with all sorts of conspiracy theories.
In August of 1897, Herzl took his roadshow to the Jewry, convening the First Zionist Conference at Basle. It was here that the establishment of political machinery as per the World Zionist Organization was formed. Subsequent, alliances with Britain (it holding the Mandate over Palestine) saw the production of the Balfour Declaration of 1919 permitting Jewish immigration — that now dirty term — to Palestine. The turning point in the Anglo-Zionist alliance, however, came in the White Paper document of 1939, which all but repealed the Balfour Declaration. Rhis development according to Xvi Ganin (Truman, American Jewry and Israel, 1948 -) “ exposed the basic political weakness of the Jewish people”…a new strategy was needed. Jews were indignant . Chaaim Weizman , President of the World Zionist Organization called the action unfair, arguing that that the two were unevenly matched.
British abandonment created a major problem: the mandate had granted immigration rights to the Jew. The beginning of mass migration to overwhelm the Palestinian people was on track. Had the process of gradual immigration proceeded, the demographics would have shifted in favour of the Jews and would foreground/strengthen demands for the establishment of a Jewish State. Foreign policy is clinically about self-interests. With the encraching World War II, Britain
Focusing on America
British betrayal demanded a new set of strategic manoeuvring. The answer? The convening of a conference to announce ambitions and to co-opt the American Jewry as the main protagonist. The Biltmore Conference in May1942 was….. Primary objective to get the US Government and public opinion onboard.
By January 1943 the crusade was in high gear: the propaganda machinery used specific themes to win support. Richard Stevens (American Zionism and US Foreign Policy: 1942–1947) makes nine distinct areas:
- Zionism is the badge of honour. The Nationalist Jew who cares will join the campaign.
- Jews everywhere constitute one people. There was an obligation for US Jewry to help European refugees.
- Zionism is a constructive way to solve the Jewish problem because self-determination is preferable to continuous philanthropy. No country wanted refugees…except Palestine.
- Zionism perpetrates Judaism and provides for Jewish survival as a distinctive grouping buttressed by Palestine as a cultural centre, to the enrichment of the US Jewry and redound benefits for global heritage.
- The Jewish state is an inevitable reconciling of Biblical prophecy…Statehood is the solution.
- Assistance for Palestine is a fundamental obligation for the United States because Palestine is at the forefront in the war against Nazism and a rock of Gibraltar in Middle Eastern democratic principles.
- Zionism’s advocacy for a Jewish State is historic justice…compensation for historical crimes against Jewish people.
That the nationalist propaganda campaign was finding the intended target was repaid by the success of the anti-White Paper campaign, aimed at getting American Jewish and non-Jewish alliance against the White Paper. Hand in hand with the Emergency Council of the World Zionist, over 2000 Zionist leaders in the US were successful in securing anti White Paper from all major Jewish agencies, along with influential international service groups such as Lyons and Rotary Clubs, notable professional women’s clubs, trade unions and church groups. This success in organizational +++ and “ muscle-flexing” provided the impetus to turn the propaganda machinery towards the political front. The intrusion of Palestine resolutions in both Houses of Congress was a pivotal point on the political front.
The strategic purpose of this move? To establish a specific target in its propaganda campaign. A tactical move that spoke to an awareness lobbying has on Congress. On January 27, two identical measures on the expropriation plan were introduced in the House of Representatives:
“Whereas the sixty-seventh Congress of the United States on June 30, 1922, unanimously resolved, “ that the United States of America favours the establishment in Palestine of a national homeland for the Jewish people. It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of Christians and all other non-Jewish communities in Palestine and that the holy places and religious buildings and sites shall be adequately protected; and
Whereas the ruthless persecution of the Jewish people…has clearly demonstrated the need for a Jewish homeland as a haven for the large numbers who have become homeless ….
Therefore be it
Resolved that the United States shall use its good offices to take appropriate measures, to the end that the doors of Palestine shall be opened for free entry of Jews into the country, and, there shall be full opportunity for colonization, so that the Jewish people may ultimately reconstitute Palestine as a free and democratic Jewish commonwealth”.
According to Stevens, the resolution was almost identical to the Biltmore Programme. At the core? The establishment of a Jewish Commonwealth. Of note, he continues was how the Congressional resolution changed the wording form “to be established” (the original phraseology in Biltmore) to “reconstituted”. Objective? Smoke and mirrors! Gaslighting to give the impression that a Jewish Commonwealth existed prior to 1948. The restoration was, therefore, a legitimate act.
The foundation laid, supplemental bipartisan support was secured with the joint presentation of the bill in the Senate via representatives from Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Ohio and the referral to a Senate Committee. Now, if perception is important when trying to maintain moral probity in governance then the actions of Congressman Bloom (New York) would certainly raise questions as to the validity of that belief.
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