Quite a number of interesting observations. Colourism is that taboo issue, that dirty little secret in the global black community that we blacks are scared to hell of ventilating. Why are we so afraid to admit that there is a preference among blacks for lighter-skinned blacks remains a puzzle. I do know, however, that it is a ghost that we need to exorcise before we can even begin to throw stones at racism…our acculturation to the racialization of black people by Europeans.
Your article gave glimpses of showing a real understanding of the issue until the highlighted excerpt. You had me until then. But if you are going to mention the diverse representation of black skin in the media and then follow through with references to Black-ish etc then I’m afraid that these are mild contradictions to the intent of the piece.
An extremely good and insightful article none-the-less. Quite refreshing to see a near closeted issue being honestly discussed.