Talking Blues: Do You Condemn Hamas?
The harlots (unisex) in Western mainstream media think they are smart. They open or insert in every conversation, that million dollar demand: Do you condemn Hamas for October 7? In fact, they INSIST as if it's part of some matriculation. Of course, the hidden diabolicalism,is that condemnation of Hamas, declaring that October 7 was the second most barbaric act in history — second only to the holocaust— will provide justification for the genocide that is not a genocide, to these harlots and the Zionists in whose employ they work. They deny any moral equivalency between October 7 and the slaughtering that has continued unrelenting for eight months, despite numerous United Nations resolutions, a demand by two international courts, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. The hidden agenda? Discrediting 76 years of Israeli brutality to provide cover for this ridiculous notion of Israel as an occupier having a right to self-defence against some non-existent/manufactured “unprovoked” attack by the Palestinian militant group, Hamas.
I will not condemn Hamas or what happened to Israel on October 7. A significant number of the 1,200 Israelis, Israel claimed were killed, died at the hands of the Israeli Defence/Occupation Force. To date there has been no proof of violent rapes (although that is a staple in Israel’s war on Palestinians) and no decapitated, burnt forty-dead babies. All lies to justify genocide: “Do you condemn Hamas?” One man’s ‘terrorist' is another man’s freedom fighter. The African National Congress was also labelled as a terrorist organisation by Apartheid South Africa and the Western cabal. A label weaponized to demonise legitimate national liberation struggles throughout history and to justify state terrorism towards groups and people fighting against colonialism and any other forms of oppression.
To condemn Hamas is to condemn a long history of oppressed people from the Haitian Revolution to Nat Turner to Sam Sharpe to all the slave revolts; to the French, Russian, and Cuban Revolutions to the liberation struggles across Afrika, and the right to resist their oppression. I know if I were to appear in any forum and be asked to do that I would flat-out refuse.
I can’t condemn October 7. I can’t say that Israelis didn’t deserve what happened on October 7, as my Jewish friend audaciously demanded, in the heat of that October 7, Saturday morning. How can I when these are people who have lived for 76 years and benefited from the open-air concentration camp that they locked the people whose lives and land they stole into? Those gyrating and frolicking at a 'peace' concert, of all the freaking ironies, were doing so on a venue built in some of the villages destroyed in 1948 to create Israel! A festival while just across the fence is the Gaza ghetto! There are no two sides to this. There is only one and I very much intend to stand on the right side — and unapologetically so!