The Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh!

Hamas is NOT a terrorist organisation. Its leaders are FREEDOM FIGHTERS. I moan Ismail Haniyeh, a man born of Nakba survivors, born in an open-air concentration camp who spent his entire life fighting for the liberation of his people. Israel will pay. Israel like a disease in the the lives of the Palestinians can kill the leaders, but undeniably it WILL NEVER KILL THE CAUSE, no matter the violence it resorts to, no matter how violent the policies. The fight for freedom is in the DNA of all those under imperialist oppression.
This is the same aberration to humanity, to decency, to the respect for international law, that assassinated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in March 2004, and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi in April 2004, both co-founders of Hamas, and yet the liberation struggle continues. It will go on until the Apartheid state of Israel is destroyed and Palestinians are free! You cannot defeat the inalienable desire to be free that is a part of the natural heritage of all living creatures. Every tyrant, every oppressor, every abomination has come to that reality. Israel will too.
Long live Ismail Haniyeh and all the freedom fighters of Hamas and all those resisting imperialist oppression! The long walk to True Emancipation lives on, but we are certain of the victory of good over evil!