The Reasons Palestinians rejected:
1. Borders: Palestinians accepted international community June 1967 borderline: whole of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem
All legal bodies: ICC
Israel rejected - wanted part of the West Bank..wanted approx 8% of the West Bank.
2. Under International law East Jerusalem belonged to Palestinian state because under IL it is inadmissible to acquire territory by war. Israel has no legal claim/title to EJ, WB and Gaza, yet
Israel wanted parts of EJ.
3. Settlements in the West Bank
Now over 750,000 illegal settlers, which is a violation under IL, are right now carrying out incremental low level ethnic cleansing.
Israel wanted to keep under its sovereign approx 80% of those illegal settlers. This would reduced the land left for a Palestinian state...Netanyahu made and continues to make sure of that!
4. Right of Return
Israel has contumued to deny that right when under IL refugees have a right to return after cessation of hostilities.
On all four the Palestinians were willing to make concessions.
In 2000 Clinton Parameters put forward parameters for resolution. All required concessions under IL from the Palestinians…none from israel. Both accepted by the Palestinians accepted with reservations.
Palestinians accepted the terms for resolving conflict which HAVE BEEN developed and ratified by the international community
For example; every year UN passes Peaceful Settlement of the Palestine Question and terms embedded and anchored in IL.
Every year 190 countries vote for yes…including Palestinian rep at UN.
US, Israel, South Sea Islands : Marshall Islands,Tongo vote NO!
Counter with facts and not propaganda. What you know should never be just what they tell or teach you. Do your own thinking!