Trump Won: Now Democrats In A Blue Funk

“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Caesar”.
Democrats, liberals, celebrities, The View, MSNBC, CNN, et al. are all getting unhinged over Donald Trump’s victory. See now if y’all hadn’t spent the last four years obsessing over him, making him the de facto President, and directed all that energy towards the Biden-Harris Presidency, more importantly, the VOTERS, and more specifically the WORKING CLASS, y’all would have seen the discontent, and that the economy topped the issues concerning voters.
And even now, after this decimation, you refuse to own the mistakes you made, reaching for sexism, racism, and misogyny to explain your loss. How pathetic!
I don’t come to honour Donald Trump. I won’t even stretch my imagination to envisage what four years of him will bring. Sunny Hostin of The View asks a very relevant question: why did people vote for a racist, sexist, felon and all the other transgressions that Trump has been accused of? The answer is in the question Sunny.
Tired of being used and discarded!
Sure racism and sexism may have played a role. But this was a landslide, so why despite being a racist, sexist SOB, blacks, Latinos, women whose reproductive rights are under attack etc., vote for Donald Trump? Maybe putting bread on their table, finding affordable housing, accessing affordable healthcare, the ability to pay their gas bill, meet their expenses etc., --- you know all those little niceties you take for granted because you can afford them --- was more important, at least at this juncture, than your obsessions with cultural, social issues and virtue signalling. Perhaps finally they saw the Democrats for who they are, and refused to be pawns in their unending political games.
The George Clooneys and not-yet-soon- to-be-never-was-has-beens, who can buy a bottle of wine at dinner in Dubai for $6000 (so I heard that George did) should shut up. Hell would sooner freeze over before any of them understand what the poor suffer every day. Look inward and stop blaming the voter!
Bernie Sanders for all his faults hit the nail on the head: If you abandon the working class why the hell wouldn’t you expect them to abandon you? And it is not a matter of Trump making promises he most likely will not be able to fulfill --- the problem is ideologically neo-liberal economics. But by George (not of Clooney), the people were screaming and he listened, while the Democrats were too busy following his every action, listening to his every word, and those celebrities in la la land, jetting off to stylists and fashion weeks in Milan, Paris and New York. Now everybody is crying, unhinged and in a blue funk.
The sounds of the poor are echoed in tenement halls. Listen to the people!