Was the Minsk Protocol invoked? Did the "yes we can Obama" who campaign and conned everyone ( not me) into believing that he was turning a new page on American foreign policy, not engineer the ousting of Yanukovych in 2014 to install a pro-US/Western government?
Didn't Ukraine continue it war on Donetsk and Donbas? Was Minsk II invoked? How then can Ukraine, a puppet of the western governing class not take responsibility? And what of its 'application ' to join NATO and the consequences of WMDs being installed in Russia's backyard? Isn't that a threat to Russian national security? Wasn't the installation of missiles in Cuba in 1962 by Khrushchev not a threat to American national security interests? Or is it that it doesn't cut both ways and what's good for the geese is not good for the gander?
After years of provocation, the Russians responded, irrespective of the propaganda out of Western media to frame the narrative in absentia of historical context. Some of the most vulgar propagandizing before that of the Israeli genocide. This is a proxy war. Ukraine has only survived to June 10, 2024 (the day I'm responding after seeing your comment) because the US continues to arm it. It is what it is! This is America's proxy war. Now the US has given Ukraine permission to use its weapons to strike inside Moscow --- the clearest declaration of war.
The present conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the end game of the foreign policy pursued by the United States of America since the 'ending' of Cold War. It is anchored in a rabid belief in ‘American Exceptionalism’ and egged on by neoconservative ideologues and the Military Industrial Complex. A war has been waged against Russia with the intent to re-engineer Russia into a colony with its vast energy resources in the control of the West. It is what Euro-America imperialists have been doing to the Global South for centuries. It is part of the manifestation of the ‘Wolfowitz Doctrine’, and the resolve to uphold America 's hegemony. It is has failed! Seventy-six years of America's economic dominance, underpinned by the US dollar and America's military might is crumbling as the global economy pivots to the rise of China. The empire is breathing its last breath.